Mountvacation iframe plugin integration

Getting started

Thank you for trying MountVacation's iframe plugin!

To use MountVacation's iframe plugin to your web page follow next 3 steps.

Step 1 - Prepare your webpage

You've received iframe ID to email address you provided in the contract. Replace it with the stars (**) in code below in section data-id.

MountVacation's iframe plugin needs 2 html elements (placeholders) in your web page to to place the visual part of the Mountvacation web page.

  1. div element with an id mv-iframe-results-holder <div id="mv-iframe-results-holder" data-id="****"></div> defines where you want Mountvacation web page html code to appear. This holder is best to place it in fully width part of your webpage.

  2. div element with an id mv-iframe-approwed <div id="mv-iframe-approwed">Tehnology powered by <a href="">MountVacation</a></div> defines brand name linking & validation.


<div id="mv-iframe-results-holder" data-id="1234" ></div>
<div id="mv-iframe-approwed">Tehnology powered by <a href="">MountVacation</a></div>

Place them in your html template.

Step 2 - Insert javascript code on your web site

If you prefer widget in other language than English (en) you also need to change the language part of the string ...-en.js.

We are offering widget in following 8 languages:

Copy the code below to the clipboard & paste it in <head> section or just above your closing </body> tag of your web site.

<script src=""></script>

Step 3 - Ready to sell!

Indeed! Now, you should be ready to go! Try to open your webpage's url to see your MountVacation's iframe plugin in action!


You don't see MountVacation's page on your webpage's url?

Our plugins use jQuery. Check, if your webpage is already using this librarie.

Type jQuery.fn.jquery into browser's console window while your web page is open. If you don't get any response the jQuery library is missing. To include the library in your web page, put the following line in <head> section of web page:

<script src="//"></script>

You still don't see MountVacation's DMC widget on your webpage's url?

Please, drop us an email and our IT team will do it's best to help you ;)

Last update: 23. October 2014 - 02:21